Aalborg University as a workplace

We act and are recognised as a university with a distinct profile and a high quality level in all of our activities. All employees are dedicated to creating knowledge for the benefit of our students and the surrounding society.
Our interactions and relationships are based on openness, inclusion, mutual respect, professionalism and quality across disciplinary fields, scientific and administrative functions, campuses and managerial levels.
Problem orientation
Our research and education are always based on real problems.
We are top-rated at working with companies, organisations and public sector authorities, and we are setting new standards for collaboration across faculties and areas of expertiser.
Our knowledge and insights create value and innovation that improves the world.
Our staff and students are committed, to their own disciplinary expertise and to the problems of the wider world.
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Get close to the latest research and become a part of an international environment
As a knowledge intensive enterprise, we wish to attract the broadest professional competences. If you are committed and wish to make a difference, the university will provide good opportunities for creating a career and achieving results in your job, whether you are employed in an academic or a technical-administrative position.
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Career options at Aalborg University
It is essential for AAU that you develop your personal and professional competences. Once every year you will attend a staff appraisal interview. With your superior, you will discuss new development targets, which will support the university’s overall targets and strategy as well as your own work related development needs and wishes.
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Active skills and career development
With more than 1,300 technical and administrative staff, AAU represents a broad professional scope which enables us to offer active competence and career options to our staff. The university offers current internal courses which contribute to enhancing the quality and development of administrative tasks and processes. In addition, the university has a number of networks where staff can meet across the organisation and discuss work-related issues or gain new inspiration from professional input.
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Opportunities for internal rotation
Every year a number of staff change jobs internally at AAU, and we consider it a great strength that our employees wish to continue their careers at the university and utilise their professional competences and knowledge about internal processes, methods and working procedures across the organisation.
Staff welfare and job satisfaction
At Aalborg University we focus intensively on staff welfare and job satisfaction. Like all knowledge intensive enterprises, AAU is characterised by a high degree of self-management among staff, and therefore it is essential for the university to conduct an active personnel policy which takes care of the relationship between tasks and resources as well as other important work environment factors.
As an employee at AAU you are entitled to, and must also contribute to, a good work environment in which everyone will thrive and develop, and where creativity will flourish.
Aalborg University wishes to ensure that all employees experience a good and healthy work environment. AAU offers a number of staff benefits to our employees, e.g. flexible working hours, a PC scheme, an art society, sports events, fruit and coffee, etc. In addition, internal competence-enhancing courses in financial management, project management, languages etc. are offered currently.

Aalborg University in numbers
Aalborg University is a growing university in terms of student numbers, programmes, finances and staff. Most of the university’s 3,800 employees work at our Aalborg campus, but we also have campuses in Esbjerg and Copenhagen. More than half of our staff are engaged in research and teaching, and an almost equal number are supporting these core activities in administrative and technical functions. Find more information about Aalborg University in numbers.