Technical and administrative staff
Application requirements

Technical and administrative staff
Application requirements

Technical and administrative staff
Technical and administrative staff
When you apply for a technical or administrative position at Aalborg University, it is essential that the following is included in your application:
It will only be possible for you to attach two extra appendices, so you should choose those which best document your special qualifications, competences or experience as regards the position. You may gather several documents in one attachment.
Aalborg University uses an electronic recruitment system for receiving applications. Towards the bottom in the respective job advertisement you will find a link, which you need to use when applying for the position. Before uploading your application it is important that you have all relevant documentation ready in a Word or PDF format, as you need to upload all material at the same time. You cannot leave the application and return to it a couple of hours later without having to start over.
The system does not support ZIP or images files. Filenames can only contain numbers and letters, and each document must take up no more than 20 MB.
If you experience technical problems, we encourage you to try again. If the technical problems, contrary to expectation, cannot be solved, please contact the member of staff listed as the contact person in the job advertisement.